Tina Aleman

Certified Woman Empowerment Coach

Everyone has a story, here's mine:

You will go through life hearing of others' trials. The storms they endure and how they overcame them. My storms, just like anyone else's were definitely hard to overcome. The fact that I was able to move past my storms is what brought me to this new venture of helping others. You can say, my life coaching business is my rainbow from the storm.

My desire to help women is a direct connection to what I have endured. As many know, life gets a hold of you. You become a mom, caregiver, professional, wife, fiance, and or girlfriend.  You end up having so many hats you wear. When that happens, you lose your identity.  You no longer know what your personal goals, dreams, and aspirations are. I am here to tell you that it is OK. I am also here to tell you that is  OK to want to empower yourself to live a balanced and fulfilling life that allows you to wear those hats but be the powerful woman that you are and find joy in fulfillment for yourself.

It took a moment but I learned to be the author of my life. My book is ever-changing with continued growth with my marriage, relationship with my daughter, relationship with God, and most importantly my relationship with myself.

My goal is to share what I have gone through to inspire others to never give up. Check out my first blog where you can read about how I endured the loss, sadness, and fear of my obstacles.

Are you ready to be the author of your life? It's the small moments that make the transformation.

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